The impact of our team’s generosity is making headlines, showcasing the dedication to our communities.
The Adopt-A-Family program has captured the essence of Legacy Restoration’s commitment to giving back for 10+ years. Even through significant growth, founder and CEO, Scott Mullins notes Legacy’s commitment to expanding our circle of positive influence and carrying forward with the give back in each of our markets.
The donation, valued at over $31,000, embodies our mission to make a difference. Mullins emphasized that giving back not only impacts the communities we serve but also strengthens our organization as a whole.
This milestone event will bring joy to families in need, with gifts planned for delivery to local nonprofits in Minneapolis, St. Cloud, Rochester, Chicago, Denver, Des Moines and Omaha. It’s a testament to Legacy’s enduring spirit of generosity and community support.
Read more about our heartwarming gift-wrapping tradition in the full news coverage.